Monday, 23 December 2019

USA 2019/2020 1 Virginia Mon 23 - Thurs 26


Monday 23

Penn station - gotta be a better train boarding system. Bags stored at the back. Seats only right at the front.  Then once moving, let’s go get the bags!
7hour trip - went quick.
Picked up at the station - a super cool surprise.  Friends are friends are family wherever they are!, Wholefoods chilli at Rajagopalan’s and early night.

Tuesday 24th

Car from europcar - silver Nissan vs red truck
We went silver.

To Rajagopalan’s at 15:30
Bit of getting ready - table cloths of linen
Why didn't I take more pictures!!!

Hunter (developer of housing in Ohio) and Kimberley - Emily’s best buddy, recent knee operation incl 4000 kneee MRI and 8000 back MRI!  Kids grace 13 and Reece - short hair but not a boy
John teacher of gifted kids - fell off his bike “wanna see my bruises” and his wife of 4 years Rebecca Phelan
Tall Paul and Melissa kindy teacher.  Kids are Enzo (6) and Merino (3) - dropped his plate. Mortified.
Cats - Flash and egg roll

Food - superb Indian takeaway - more dishes than a man could eat - eggplant, chicken tikka, breads, vegetable biryani, spinach raita.

Too full

Wednesday 25th - Christmas Day

Emily’s family
Kyle - bit of a teeter, off to ER then back for dinner.  Julie.  Needs a new shoulder and new hip.   Getting the hang of new hostel accommodation.
Jay and heather. Jay sees 6000 customers a day at chick fillet.   5 people with iPads do drive through and staff of 44.   Turnover is 8million with aim of 10 by 2021!  As a franchise owner when you leave you get nada
Lee and Xin Xin - bocce with the kids.
Also an old photo and a super butterfly.

Cheese grits, crab (or quinoa) cakes, cream cheese and pepper jelly, fruit salad followed by time to mingle, bocce and a little bit of a heavy falling onto the foot of a growing girl. Ouch!

But wait then it’s dinner
Salmon, Brussel sprouts, mashed potato, roast pork for some.  Pies - choc peppermint or cranberry citrus

Poor old Deep - a pale on call Indian.  At least for teh last few days, work is his enamey.  Sleep beckons him forcefully as does a damn good break.

Thursday 26

Not an early start
Zo and AJ love making thier own breakfast pancakes - not super healthy.  Defnitely not sugar free.

Boxing Day
Afternoon walk / hike to Monticello - is, Pradeep at work, Lee and Xin Xin

Tour of Tom's house.
Very cool.
Much more about Hemmings this time compared to 20 years ago.
Times change.

Burgers on the mall
That day went fast

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